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- Webfoot Technologies ORDER FORM AND FAX SHEET
- Orders Only: 1-800-4WEBTEC (1-800-493-2832)
- International Orders: 708-257-1224. After August 3, 1996 call 630-257-1224
- 24 Hour FAX: 708-257-0942. After August 3, 1996 call 630-257-0942
- Internet e-mail: Webfoot@msn.com
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- [ ] TwinBlok ........................................................ $29.95
- [ ] H2O ............................................................. $29.95
- [ ] Deadly Rooms of Death (Windows) ................................. $29.95
- [ ] Interpose (Available March 1996) ................................ $39.95
- [ ] Tronic .......................................................... $19.95
- [ ] Hopy ONE ........................................................ $19.95
- [ ] Farocar (Windows) ............................................... $19.95
- [ ] DIAMCO (Windows) ................................................ $19.95
- [ ] USA: $4
- [ ] All other countries: $10 US*
- *Add $2.00 for each additional item (international orders only)
- Shipping and Handling charges: $____________
- Illinois Sales Tax: $____________
- (Illinois residents must add correct sales tax of 7.75%)
- Total enclosed: $____________
- Mail checks/money orders to: Webfoot Technologies
- P.O. Box 15
- Lemont, IL 60439
- Make checks payable to "Webfoot Technologies, Inc.".
- Personal checks accepted only in the US. <OR>
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- Card number: _________________________ Expiration date: _____/_____ (MM/YY)
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- Webfoot Technologies exclusively distributes through Sound & Vision.
- Credit Card orders will be billed to 'Sound & Vision of Orland Park'.
- All orders shipped within 24 hours (orders by check must clear first).
- Please allow 1 to 6 weeks for delivery.
- Where did you get this shareware product from?
- [ ] Downloaded from a BBS: BBS Name______________________________
- [ ] Shareware Catalog Vendor: Vendor Name________________________
- [ ] Retail Shareware Rack: Rack Vendor Name______________________
- [ ] Internet: Site Address_______________________________________
- [ ] A friend gave it to me
- [ ] Other:_______________________________________________________
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- the file README.DOC for ordering instructions!